Draw a Circle With Pi

Measuring Circles

Each yr our centre schoolhouse celebrates the circle and its mathematical relationships on "Pi Day," March 14, using the engagement of 3/14 to laurels the 3.14 approximation of pi. A local bakery donates pies and, in every math course, students measure out round things and consume their pieces of pie. Amidst the Pi Day activities, students are introduced to the vocabulary of circles—centre, diameter, radius, circumference, arc, chord, tangent, and pi. These terms mean more to students when they are introduced to them in a real-life (and delicious) context.

I began class with a question that sounded uncomplicated plenty: "Who thinks they can draw a perfect circumvolve on the board?" Easily shot in the air as almost everyone accepted the challenge. I paused and went on, "You accept to draw the circle freehand, without any tools or assistance." I paused again and and then added, "And you take just ane try. You have to draw a perfect circumvolve on the board on your first endeavor." Finally, I added one more requirement: "The diameter of the circle must be greater than the bridge of your hand from wrist to fingertip." Asking students to compare the circle'south diameter to their manus span brought thoughtful looks to many faces.

"I don't get information technology," said Linda. "What practice you mean?"

"Who can explain the size requirement?" I asked. Rather than explain myself, I was interested in giving others the take chances to clarify their thinking. Also, when a student explains, the others have the opportunity to compare their ideas with a classmate's understanding of the situation.

Kaita held up his paw with his fingers stretching wide from the palm. "The circumvolve has to be bigger around than this." He traced a circle in the air with this left index finger around his outstretched right mitt. "Otherwise, you could just draw a tiny circumvolve, similar a pencil dot." Linda nodded, indicating that she now understood.

"Let'southward give Kaita, Sami, and Rayleen a chance to each draw a circle," I said, calling on three volunteers. Equally the students approached the board from their minor groups, I explained the procedure. I marked three dots on the lath, saying every bit I did and so, "I'll put iii circle center points on the lath. Each student will try to depict his or her best circle around the center." Kaita, Sami, and Rayleen each drew their circles effectually the points that I had spaced along the front board. Then they stood back and so the others could come across what they had drawn.

Nosotros all looked at the circles and verified in our minds' eyes that they were large plenty to encircle each person'south open hand. I then asked, "Who can think of a mode to check whose circle is the most round?"

The chore of evaluating the circles had the students wondering, and they looked to their classmates to run into if anyone had an idea. I waited for their ideas to emerge but didn't rush their thinking by calling on whatever of the few students who had a mitt upward. Instead, I said to the form, "Check your ideas with your group and together pattern a way for us to evaluate the circles." The 3 volunteers returned to their groups and joined eagerly in the discussions.

All eight groups in the class appeared to forget most the iii circles on the lath. They sketched circles on notebook newspaper and tried out their ideas. They listened to each other and refined the virtually promising ideas. The discussions were active and animated.

Soon, I brought the class dorsum to attention and called on Andre to offer his group's thought. He said, "You lot can measure the distance from the eye out to the circumference of each circle, only yous'd take to do that all around the circle." I asked him to explain further. "You lot couldn't merely measure once. You lot'd have to measure four times at to the lowest degree, top and bottom and left and right."

Kristi, another fellow member of his group, added, "The more measures you make, the better we can tell which is the best circumvolve. The one that has all the measurements across the circumvolve virtually the same is the all-time circle."

I wanted to reinforce accurate terminology along with their mathematical thinking, so I asked, "What part of the circumvolve are yous measuring?"

Andre responded, "If the diameters are all equal measurements, so it has to be round. You are measuring the radius, and ii of them make a diameter. You could utilise a ruler or you could utilize a string. It wouldn't have to be that exact."

"Did any group have a different idea?" I asked. "Let'southward hear all ideas and so examination them."

Next Stewart spoke for his grouping. "Put a line downwards the centre of the circle and y'all tin fold the circumvolve over. If it matches side to side, then it'due south a perfect circle. We figured that you'd accept to trace the circle onto a piece of paper offset and so fold information technology, and then mayhap our method isn't as skillful equally Andre'south grouping'southward, but it would work and you'd meet information technology faster than measuring the diameters."

I was pleased at these two very different ideas and commented, "I capeesh hearing different approaches to solving the problem. Stewart and his group offered a geometric solution, using a line of symmetry and reflection, while Andre'southward group suggested measuring and examining the numbers they collected."

Kaita, one of the students who had drawn a circle on the board, gave another idea. "You can just trace around something that's round and a niggling bigger or smaller than the circle I drew." He looked around and plant the chapeau from a circular oatmeal box that was belongings a class supply of rulers. Kaita'south group quickly got his attending and whispered to him. Kaita then said, "My grouping thinks that we should trace around a circle that'southward bigger and 1 that'southward smaller with the circle I drew in betwixt them. That way nosotros can run across how round it is compared to ii different circles."

No other group had a different method to suggest. With these three methods to consider, I asked groups to talk over which one they thought was reliable, applied, and would produce the most accurate mode of deciding. After the groups had fourth dimension to evaluate the three approaches, I called them to attention and said, "Past a bear witness of hands, let'due south take a survey of the method you similar best. Is it measuring several diameters, using a line of symmetry and reflectional symmetry, or tracing like circles?"

I paused after each choice for students to raise their easily. All methods received some testify of hands, simply most of the support was for the last method. Kaita came to the board with the circular box peak, which was smaller than the circle he drew. He carefully centered it in his circle and traced around it. He did this for the other two circles on the board and then stood back and looked them over. He turned to the class. "I recollect it's pretty clear which ane is best. Information technology'southward easy to tell with the circle in the center that Rayleen'southward is the all-time circle. We don't really demand to trace a bigger circle." Sami agreed, and the class recognized Rayleen's success with a round of adulation.

Three dots appear on large white space. Around these dots are circles that different student have drawn.

Fig 1. Using a cylinder, Kaita traced a circle in the center of his, Rayleen's, and Sami's circles.

Clearly, everyone was engaged by the idea of cartoon a freehand circle. After merely a few minutes of brainstorming, three important mathematical ideas about circles were brought out: a circle is divers by a set of points that are equidistant from the center point; circles have reflectional symmetry with infinite lines of symmetry; like shapes have the aforementioned properties but are different sizes. All 3 of these ideas are crucial for students' agreement of circumvolve formulas.

Trying this lesson in your classroom? Share your students' thoughts with united states in the comments!


Source: https://mathsolutions.com/uncategorized/measuring-circles/

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